Crypto Wealth Platform & Management
Dacxi is the first to pioneer developing an entirely new niche known as " Crypto Wealth ." You'll often hear me as well as members of the Dacxi Team talk about Crypto Wealth But what is crypto wealth and what does a crypto wealth platform do? Let’s understand these a bit more. Crypto Wealth is an exciting new market in the world of Wealth, founded on the concept of crypto as a marketable asset class. By 2030, the world Crypto wealth market is predicted to be worth $10 trillion. And at Dacxi, we believe everyday investors should have the opportunity to get their slice of that multi-trillion-dollar pie. What is Crypto Wealth Investment? Traditional wealth investments comprise bonds, equity commodities, and property, and. Crypto Wealth investments differ. These investments are included in the Alternative Finance sector and fall into two categories: Crypto currencies and Crypto Asset tokens. Crypto currencies are "crowd-generat...