How crypto has helped me live life on my terms?

"Financial freedom has been a long and winding road for me, and crypto has been an important part of that journey." Financial freedom has been a long and winding road for me, and crypto has been an important part of that journey. Looking back there’s definitely some reoccurring themes whilst I discovered my passion and purpose. I grew up in the East End of London in the seventies, where there weren’t really any entrepreneurial or business minded people as mentors. I think we all grow up with a certain amount of baggage from the stories your parents tell you around money, and whilst we were OK financially I definitely picked up the scarcity mindset, and can remember hearing comments like “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “it’s the root of all evil”. Growing up I really wanted to be a teacher, and often delivered lessons to a row of my teddies and dolls! Unfortunately, my school wasn’t the most supportive, particularly as I really hated reading in public, and t...