How cryptocurrency is helping fund my retirement lifestyle
What I’ve done during my lifetime is, of itself, possibly of little interest, it’s what others have contributed and the lessons learned that underscores a life’s true value. I like to think I’ve lived a very rich life in lots of ways! I was born in London and spent most of my childhood in Heston. My father ran his own business, as an electrical engineer, and was very careful with his finances, only occasionally dabbling in blue-chip British companies such as British Airways! My mother stayed at home, as was often the case at that time. My father taught me financial acumen, along with maths and practical skills, whilst my mother gave me a great foundation in life. Between them, they gifted me an invaluable moral compass, of fairness honesty and justice, that I’ve tried to always use for all decisions. I was lucky enough to find my major love in life early – music! My mother loved classical music such as Rachmaninov, Bax and Delius, and I was lucky enough to ...