
Showing posts from May, 2021

Is Now the Right Time to Buy Cryptocurrency?

No matter what your strategy, HODL, sats or whale; cryptocurrency is alive and here to stay and buying cryptocurrency is now more viable than ever before. The return on investment (ROI) for successfully mined digital coins is enormously worthwhile and with such high stakes, every savvy buyer wants a piece of the best shares, funds and ideas in order to strike it rich. Of course, Bitcoin has been through some tumultuous waves in recent months resulting in huge fluctuations in its price. The digital currency dropped to $6,500 in mid-August from a high of over $8,000 at the end of July. This plunge saw both bearish experts and skeptics of cryptocurrency (including athletes , celebrities and Warren Buffet ) weigh in on cryptocurrencies, describing Bitcoin and other coins as mere speculative bubbles. For bullish experts and legendary crypto traders, the fall in prices can be likened to the teething phase in any new technology before stability. In an interview with CNBC’s “Power Lunch”, B...

Why developing a belief in crypto will change your life?

Belief. I love this word. My message today is encapsulated into this one word. It’s a word with power and it will get you in the mindset of taking action and achieving growth. It is well established that a message is easier to remember if it contains a concrete and specific word. Certain words trigger the brain to make connections with other ideas and concepts. Today, that concrete word is Belief. The legendary success author Napoleon Hill said in his book Think and Grow Rich, ‘what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve’. You don’t need to be a genius or a mathematician to make real money in crypto, but you do need to take confident and calculated action. And for this you need belief. That’s where the game becomes different. If you believed that Bitcoin was going to increase by 500% within 2 years or that Dacxi Coin was going to grow by 2,000%, then taking the right action to exploit this opportunity would be easy. Doing research and learning crypto would be easy. Allocatin...

How crypto has helped me live life on my terms?

"Financial freedom has been a long and winding road for me, and crypto has been an important part of that journey." Financial freedom has been a long and winding road for me, and crypto has been an important part of that journey. Looking back there’s definitely some reoccurring themes whilst I discovered my passion and purpose. I grew up in the East End of London in the seventies, where there weren’t really any entrepreneurial or business minded people as mentors.   I think we all grow up with a certain amount of baggage from the stories your parents tell you around money, and whilst we were OK financially I definitely picked up the scarcity mindset, and can remember hearing comments like “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “it’s the root of all evil”.    Growing up I really wanted to be a teacher, and often delivered lessons to a row of my teddies and dolls!   Unfortunately, my school wasn’t the most supportive, particularly as I really hated reading in public, and t...

7 Reasons Why Cryptocurrency Belongs In Your Retirement Portfolio

Across the world, governments are faced with the reality that most households aren’t saving enough for retirement.  Sadly, the era of company-sponsored pension plans is long gone and both Millennials and Boomers are bombarded with the high costs of basic priorities such as housing, education and healthcare that compete directly with investment plans and retirement savings. According to a recent study carried out by Ramsey Solutions, about half of Americans are not saving for retirement, and the few who do save aren’t saving enough. Folks, that’s a crisis.  In another survey, only 3 in 5 households headed by someone between the ages of 45 and 54 had a retirement account with an average value of $83,000, and 13% of people in their 40s had absolutely no retirement savings.  Apparently, 56% of Gen X folks have no clue how much they will need for retirement. This is according to a new study conducted by Bankrate. In addition, nearly half of working households will experience l...